WINTER IN JAPAN/Wattention Tokyo vol.04
WAttention Co., Ltd. 1,012円
It is a guide for you to enjoy the winter in Japan!
日本、そして東京へ訪れる人に向けて、東京の楽しみ方がたくさん紹介された雑誌、それがWAttention Tokyoです。
今回のWattention Tokyo vol.4では、冬の日本の美しい大自然、グルメ、観光などの情報が満載です!
WAttention Tokyo is a magazine provides the information about how to enjoy Tokyo for people who come to visit Japan and Tokyo. This time we’ll introduce you “Wattention Tokyo vol.4”, which is full of the beautiful winter views of Japan, the food, the famous spots, and lots of other interesting information.