King's College Choir, Cambridge/Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields/Sir David Willcocks
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 1: Accompagnato. "Comfort Ye My People"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 1: Aria. "Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 1: Chorus. "And the Glory, the Glory of the Lord"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 2: Accompagnato. "Thus Saith the Lord"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 2: Aria. "But Who May Abide"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 2: Chorus. "And He Shall Purify"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 3: Recitative. "Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 3: Aria and Chorus. "O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 3: Chorus. "O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 3: Accompagnato. "For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 3: Aria. "The People That Walked in Darkness"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 3: Chorus. "For Unto Us a Child Is Born"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 4: Pastoral Symphony "Pifa"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 4: Recitative. "There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 5: Recitative. "Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind Be Opened"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1, Scene 5: Duet. "He Shall Feed His Flock"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2, Scene 1: Chorus. "Behold the Lamb of God"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2, Scene 1: Chorus. "Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2, Scene 1: Chorus. "And with His Stripes We Are Healed"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2, Scene 1: Chorus. "All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray"