J.S. Bach: 復活祭オラトリオ《来い、急げ、走れ、逃げまどう者たちよ》 BWV 249(ポール・マクリーシュ版): 第7曲: アリア: Sanfte soll mein Todeskummer テノール
J.S. Bach: マニフィカト ニ長調 BWV 243: アリア: Deposuit potentes テノール
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - 14. Recitative: Go on, illustrious Pair! - 15. Air: While yet thy Tide of Blood runs high
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - 29. Recitative: This but the smallest Part of Harmony 30. Accompagnato: By thee this Universal Frame
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - 40. Air: O Lord, whose Providence Ever wakes for their Defence
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 3 - 72. Air: Infernal Spirits
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 3 - 79. Air: O let it not in Gath be heard
Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 3 - 85. Recitative: Ye Men of Judah, weep no more
J.S. Bach: 復活祭オラトリオ《来い、急げ、走れ、逃げまどう者たちよ》 BWV 249(ポール・マクリーシュ版): 第7曲: アリア: Sanfte soll mein Todeskummer テノール
J.S. Bach: マニフィカト ニ長調 BWV 243: アリア: Deposuit potentes テノール
Handel: Theodora, HWV 68 / Pt. 1 - 10. Recitative: "I know thy virtues"
Handel: Theodora, HWV 68 / Pt. 1 - 11. Aria: "Descend, kind Pity"
Handel: Theodora, HWV 68 / Pt. 1 - 20. Recitative: "Mistaken wretches!"
Handel: Theodora, HWV 68 / Pt. 1 - 21. Aria: "Dread the fruits of Christian folly"
Handel: Theodora, HWV 68 / Pt. 2 - 40. Aria: "Though the honours, that Flora"
Handel: Theodora, HWV 68 / Pt. 3 - 62. Aria: "From virtue springs each gen'rous deed"
Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - "Imperial Salomon"
Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - "Sacred raptures"
Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - "Vain are the transient beauties"
Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - "Indulge thy faith"