Pro Cantione Antiqua London
Helas Madame
Alas what shall I do for Love
O my Heart is sore
Joan is sick and ill at ease
If I had wit for to endite
Com o'er the Burn, Bessy
In Wilderness
Adieu Madame et ma Maistresse
The Agincourt Carol: Deo gracias Anglia
The Agincourt Carol: Deo gracias Anglia
Alas departing is ground of woe
Tappster, dryngker
The farther I go, the more behind
Goday, my Lord, Syr Christemasse
Hoyda, jolly Rutterkin
And I were a maiden
Blow thy horn, hunter
Synge we to this mery cumpane
Woefully array'd
Enforce yourself as Goddes knight