iCarly Cast
The Countdown (Cast Dialog)
What's Next Baby? (Cast Dialog)
About Me? (Cast Dialog)
Build-A-Bra (Cast Dialog)
Sam's Second Toe (Cast Dialog)
Locked In The Closet (Cast Dialog)
We Hated Your Girlfriend (Cast Dialog)
Blueberry Belly Button (Cast Dialog)
Gas Station Snacks (Cast Dialog)
You Can't Do That! (Cast Dialog)
Ten Things Boys Like (Cast Dialog)
Headphones Are Huge (Cast Dialog)
Suckish Improv Game (Cast Dialog)
World's Fattest Priest (Cast Dialog)
Back To One (Cast Dialog)
The Countdown (Cast Dialog)
What's Next Baby? (Cast Dialog)
About Me? (Cast Dialog)
Build-A-Bra (Cast Dialog)
Sam's Second Toe (Cast Dialog)