Edward R. Murrow
Murrow Speech (Live at Lewisohm Stadium)
Murrow Says Goodnight (Live at Lewisohm Stadium)
Introduction (Charles Collingwood)
September 20, 1948 (Berlin Blockade)
November 3, 1948 (Truman Elected)
June 2, 1949 (Alger Hiss Trail)
June 9 , 1949 (The Right to Dissent)
March 8, 1950 (Some of the News)
August 1, 1950 "This Is Korea"
August 8, 1950 (Day With the 1st Cavalry Division)
September 6, 1950 (A Testing Ground for Ideas)
October 12, 1950 (D. A. R. - Fort Knox Gold)
October 12, 1950 (Exclusion of Communists)
September 3, 1951 (Labor Day Speeches)
April 17, 1952 (Missouri River Flood)
O2L 400
November 26, 1953 (Reasons for National Thanksgiving)
March 9, 1954 (Summation, Broadcast On Senator Joseph R. McCarthy)
Introduction (Charles Collingwood)