Westminster Abbey Choir/Douglas Guest
A Hymn to the Virgin
Remember Not, Lord, Our Offences, Z. 50
3 Carol-Anthems: III. Sing Lullaby
3 Carol-Anthems: I. Here is the Little Door
God is our Hope and Strength, a 8
There is No Rose of Such Virtue, Op. 14
Nunc dimittis (from "The Booke of Common Prayer Noted", 1549)
Short Service in F Major: VI. Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, (b) Nunc dimittis, "Lord, lettest thou thy servant depart in peace"
O Clap Your Hands, a 8
Cantiones Sacrae I, 1612: No. 20, Ascendit Deus (In festo Ascensionis Domini)
I Saw a Fair Maiden
Factum est silentium (from "Cantica sacra, 1618")
Hide Not Thou Thy Face, a 4
The First Service, Pt. 2: Evensong, 2. Nunc dimittis, a 8
Christe qui lux es et dies IV, a 5
Nolo mortem peccatoris in D Minor, a 4 (from "Tristitiae remedium, cantiones selectissimae")
Wherewithal shall a young man, a 5 (from "The First Booke of Selected Church Music, J. Barnard, 1641")
Gloria in excelsis Deo, a 6: "Gloria in excelsis Deo! … Sing, my soul, to God"
Gradualia ac cantiones sacrae I: No. 37, Ave verum corpus, a 4
Sing Joyfully unto God, a 6, "Blow the Trumpet"