Temple Church Choir/Sir George Thalben-Ball
Blessed are the Pure in Heart (from "The Church Anthem Book", 1933)
Jubilate in G Major
The souls of the righteous, a 2
Magnificat in C Major
Nunc dimittis
The Lord's my shepherd (Crimond) (1996 Remastered Version)
Love Divine, all loves excelling (Love Divine)
Hark, what a sound (Highwood)
The King of love my shepherd is (Dominus regit me) [1995 Remastered Version]
Soldiers of Christ, arise (St Ethelwald)
Alleluya, sing to Jesus (Ebenezer)
Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier, BWV 731 (Arr. Winkworth)
Loving shepherd of thy sheep (Buckland)
Be thou my guardian (Abridge)
Lift up your heads
Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go (Angel's Song)
O praise ye the Lord (Laudate Dominum)
All hail the power of Jesu's name (Ladywell)
Spirit of mercy, truth and love (Melcombe)
Thou, whose almighty word (Moscow)