Animation (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
Of One Skin (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
Melancholy Soldiers (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
Thanatos (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
The Saints Are Coming (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
Scared To Dance (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
Hurry On Boys (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
Working For The Yankee Dollar (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
Out Of Town (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
A Woman In Winter (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
Charade (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
Charles (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
The Olympian (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
Masquerade (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
Into The Valley (Live, Alhambra, Dunfermline, 2010)
Animation (Live, The Roundhouse, London, 2017)
Of One Skin (Live, The Roundhouse, London, 2017)
Melancholy Soldiers (Live, The Roundhouse, London, 2017)
Thanatos (Live, The Roundhouse, London, 2017)
Dulce Et Decorum Est (Pro Patria Mori) [Live, The Roundhouse, London, 2017]