Boston Camerata & Joel Cohen
Watchman of Zion
A Christmas Hymn
Joy to the World
Lullay, Thou Tiny Little Child
Shall We Gather at the River
L'homme armé
Il sera pour vous conbatu / L'homme armé (Instrumental Version)
Una sañosa porfía (No. 327 from Cancionero de Palacio)
Ottavo libro de madrigali "Guerrieri et amorosi": No. 1, Altri canti d'amor, SV 146
Concerti, Libro II: No. 66, Bataglia. "Sento, sent'un rumor"
Het derdren musyck boexken "Danserye": No. 41, Pavane IV "La bataille" (With Anonymous Battle Songs)
The Battaile: XII. The Buriing of the dead (No. 39 from Elizabeth Rogers' Virginal Book)
Libros de música en cifra, Libro III: Romanza II. "Triste estava el Rey David"
Symphoniae sacrae I, Op. 6: No. 13, Fili mi, Absalon, SWV 269
Il secondo libro de madrigali: No. 18, Quivi sospiri pianti
Magnum opus musicum: No. 414, In hora ultima
Kyrie eleison
150 Pseaumes de David: No. 13, O combien est plaisant (1568 Version)
Hashirim asher leSholomo: No. 16, Kaddish a 5. "Yitgadal veyitkadash"
Psalmes, Songs, and Sonnets: No. 30, Turn our Captivity, O Lord