James Galway/Henry Mancini
The Pink Panther (from the United Artists film, The Pink Panther)
Breakfast at Tiffany's (From the Paramount film, Breakfast at Tiffany's)
Baby Elephant Walk (from the film, Hatari!)
Pie in the Face Polka
The Pink Panther (from the United Artists film, The Pink Panther)
The Pink Panther (from the United Artists film, The Pink Panther)
Cameo for Flute "...for James"
Pie in the Face Polka (from "The Great Race")
Two for the Road
Pie in the Face Polka (From "The Great Race")
Three by Mancini and Mercer
Breakfast At Tiffany's
Three by Mancini and Mercer
The Pink Panther
Pie in the Face Polka
Pie in the Face Polka