Nóirín Ní Riain
Caoineadh Mhuire (Mary's Keen)
Gal na dTri Muire (The Weeping of the Three Marys)
The Darkest Midnight 1
Seacht nDolas Na Maighdine Muire Uibh Rathach (The Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary)
An Bhainis Phosta a Bhi i gCana (The Wedding Feast at Cana)
Seacht nDolas na Maighdine Muire Cuige Chonnacht (The Seven Sorrows of the Virgins II)
An Caoineadh (The Keen)
Caoineadh na hAoine (Friday Lament)
Posadh Naofa Cana (The Holy Wedding of Cana)
Dextera Domini (The Lord's Right Hand)
Magnificent cum Alleluia (Song of Praise)
Pater Noster (Our Father)
Lob/Ehre, Christa: Joa Bolendas (Praise/Glory to God)
A Dhia Ghleigil (Oh Glorious God)
O Viridissina Virga: Hildegard of Bingen (Most Holy Virgin)
Medley: A Song for Mary Magdelene / Our Father of Light
Kyria Eleison: Hildegard of Bingen (Lord, Have Mercy)
We Venerate thy Cross
Cum Processil: Hildegard of Bingen (When You Came Forth)
An tAlseiri (The Resurrection)