Sara Macliver
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: 14a. "There Were Shepherds"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: 14b. "And Lo, the Angel of the Lord"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: 15. "And the Angel Said unto Them"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: 16. "And Suddenly There Was with the Angel"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: 18. "Rejoice Greatly"
Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: 45. "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth"
Songs of the Auvergne: Quand z’eyro petitoune (When I Was a Little Girl) - Book V, No. 2
Songs of the Auvergne: Postouro, sé tu m’aymo (Shepherd Lass, If You Love Me) - Book V, No. 5
Songs of the Auvergne: 2 Bourrées: I. N’aï pas ïèu dè mio (I Have No Sweetheart) - Book II, No. 5a
Songs of the Auvergne: 2 Bourrées: II. Lo calhé (The Quail) - Book II, No. 5b
Songs of the Auvergne, Book I: 2. Baïlèro
Songs of the Auvergne: Oï ayaï (Oh No!) - Book IV, No. 2
Songs of the Auvergne: La delaïssádo (The Abandoned Girl) - Book II, No. 4
Songs of the Auvergne: Passo pel prat (Come through the Meadow) - Book III, No. 2
Songs of the Auvergne: Lou diziou bé (They Did Say) - Book V, No. 8
Songs of the Auvergne: 3 Bourrées: I. L’aïo dè rotso (Spring Water) - Book I, No. 3a
Songs of the Auvergne: 3 Bourrées: II. Ound’onorèn gorda? (Where Shall We Go?) - Book I, No. 3b
Songs of the Auvergne: 3 Bourrées: III. Obal din lou Limouzi (Over in Limousin) - Book I, No. 3c
Songs of the Auvergne: Lou coucut (The Cuckoo) - Book IV, No. 6
Songs of the Auvergne: Là-haut, sur le rocher (Up There on the Rock) - Book V, No. 3