Cathryn Pope/Dan Dressen/Peter Barkworth/Sheila Allen/Christopher Herrick/London Philharmonic Choir/English Chamber Orchestra/Philip Brunelle
The Company of Heaven, Pt. 1: I. Chaos
The Company of Heaven, Pt. 1: II. The Morning Stars
The Company of Heaven, Pt. 2: III. Angels Appear to Jacob, Elisha and Mary
The Company of Heaven, Pt. 2: IV. Christ, the Fair Glory
The Company of Heaven, Pt. 2: V. War in Heaven
The Company of Heaven, Pt. 3: VI. Heaven Is Here
The Company of Heaven, Pt. 3: VII. A Thousand, Thousand Gleaming Fires
The Company of Heaven, Pt. 3: VIII. Funeral March for a Boy
The Company of Heaven, Pt. 3: IX. Whoso Dwelleth Under the Defence of the Most High
The Company of Heaven, Pt. 3: X. There Came out Also at This Time
The Company of Heaven, Pt. 3: XI. Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones