ニコライ・ガシーエフ/Fyodor Kuznetsov/マリインスキー劇場合唱団/マリインスキー劇場管弦楽団/ワレリー・ゲルギエフ
Boris Godounov - Moussorgsky after Pushkin and Karamazin/Version 1872 - Act 4 - Picture 2: The sun and the moon have faded
Boris Godounov - Moussorgsky after Pushkin and Karamazin/Version 1872 - Act 4 - Picture 2: Hurrah! Daring boldness has broken free
Boris Godounov - Moussorgsky after Pushkin and Karamazin/Version 1872 - Act 4 - Picture 2: Glory to you, tsarevitch!
Boris Godounov - Moussorgsky after Pushkin and Karamazin/Version 1872 - Act 4 - Picture 2: The sun and the moon have faded
Boris Godounov - Moussorgsky after Pushkin and Karamazin/Version 1872 - Act 4 - Picture 2: Hurrah! Daring boldness has broken free
Boris Godounov - Moussorgsky after Pushkin and Karamazin/Version 1872 - Act 4 - Picture 2: Glory to you, tsarevitch!
Boris Godounov - Moussorgsky after Pushkin and Karamazin/Version 1872 - Act 4 - Picture 2: The sun and the moon have faded
Boris Godounov - Moussorgsky after Pushkin and Karamazin/Version 1872 - Act 4 - Picture 2: Hurrah! Daring boldness has broken free
Boris Godounov - Moussorgsky after Pushkin and Karamazin/Version 1872 - Act 4 - Picture 2: Glory to you, tsarevitch!
Boris Godounov - Moussorgsky after Pushkin and Karamazin/Version 1872 - Act 4 - Picture 2: The sun and the moon have faded
Boris Godounov - Moussorgsky after Pushkin and Karamazin/Version 1872 - Act 4 - Picture 2: Hurrah! Daring boldness has broken free
Boris Godounov - Moussorgsky after Pushkin and Karamazin/Version 1872 - Act 4 - Picture 2: Glory to you, tsarevitch!