マイケル・チャンス/ジョージ・マイケル/ロバート・キング/Tessa Bonner/ジョン・マーク・エインズリー/チャールズ・ダニエルズ/チャールズ・ポット/Gillian Fisher/ジェイムズ・ボウマン/The King's Consort
Purcell: Welcome to All the Pleasures, Z. 339: VII. In a Consort of Voices While Instruments Play
Purcell: Arise, My Muse, Z. 320: III. Ye Sons of Music Raise Your Voices High
Purcell: Arise, My Muse, Z. 320: IV. Then Sound Your Instruments and Charm the Earth
Purcell: Arise, My Muse, Z. 320: VI. Hail, Gracious Gloriana
Purcell: Arise, My Muse, Z. 320: X. But Glory Cries "Go On"
Purcell: Welcome to All the Pleasures, Z. 339: II. Welcome to All the Pleasures That Delight
Purcell: Welcome to All the Pleasures, Z. 339: V. Then Lift Up Your Voices, Those Organs of Nature
Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, Z. 332: II. Now Does the Glorious Day Appear
Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, Z. 332: V. Now Does the Glorious Day Appear
Now Does the Glorious Day Appear, Z. 332: XI. Now, Now, with One United Voice