チャールズ・ダニエルズ/チャールズ・ポット/Gillian Fisher/ジェイムズ・ボウマン/The King's Consort/ジョージ・マイケル/ロバート・キング/ロジャーズ・カヴィ=クランプ/Tessa Bonner/Jonathan Kenny
Purcell: Ye Tuneful Muses, Z. 344: II. Ye Tuneful Muses, Raise Your Heads
Purcell: Ye Tuneful Muses, Z. 344: IV. In His Just Praise Your Noblest Songs Let Fall
Purcell: Ye Tuneful Muses, Z. 344: V. From the Rattling of Drums and the Trumpet's Loud Sounds
Purcell: Ye Tuneful Muses, Z. 344: IX. Whilst in Music and Verse Our Duty We Show
Purcell: Celestial Music Did the Gods Inspire, Z. 322: II. Celestial Music Did the Gods Inspire
Purcell: Celestial Music Did the Gods Inspire, Z. 322: VII. Let Phyllis by Her Voice But Charm the Air
Purcell: From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: II. From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War
Purcell: From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: IV. Wake Then, My Muse, Wake Instruments and Voice
Purcell: From Hardy Climes and Dangerous Toils of War, Z. 325: VII. Hence Without Scheme or Figure to Descry