ロジャーズ・カヴィ=クランプ/ロバート・キング/The King's Consort
Purcell: I Loved Fair Celia, Z. 381
Purcell: A Thousand Sev'ral Ways I Tried, Z. 359
Purcell: If Music Be the Food of Love, Z. 379a
Purcell: My Heart, Whenever You Appear, Z. 399
Purcell: Whilst Cynthia Sung, All Angry Winds Lay Still, Z. 438
Purcell: Ah! Cruel Nymph!, Z. 352
Purcell: If Grief Has Any Pow'r to Kill, Z. 378
Purcell: Phillis, Talk No More of Passion, Z. 409
Purcell: When My Aemelia Smiles, Z. 434
Purcell: Love's Pow'r in My Heart Shall Find No Compliance, Z. 395
Purcell: If Music Be the Food of Love, Z. 379b
Purcell: Amintas, to My Grief I See, Z. 356
Purcell: Spite of the Godhead, Pow'rful Love, Z. 417
Purcell: Cupid, the Slyest Rogue Alive, Z. 367
Purcell: In Cloris All Soft Charms Agree, Z. 384
Purcell: Pious Celinda Goes to Prayers, Z. 410
Purcell: Sawney Is a Bonny Lad, Z. 412
Purcell: If Music Be the Food of Love, Z. 379a
Purcell: Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z. 328 "Ode for St Cecilia's Day": IX. Air. The Airy Violin
Purcell: Who Can from Joy Refrain?, Z. 342: III. A Prince of Glorious Race Descended