Andrew Tusa/Gillian Fisher/ジェイムズ・ボウマン/マーク・パドモア/The King's Consort/ジョージ・マイケル/ナイジェル・ショート/Robert Evans/ロバート・キング/Mary Seers
Purcell: Raise, Raise the Voice, Z. 334: IV. Mark How Readily Each Pliant String
Purcell: Love's Goddess Sure Was Blind, Z. 331: V. Long May She Reign over This Isle
Purcell: Love's Goddess Sure Was Blind, Z. 331: VIII. May She to Heaven Late Return
Purcell: Raise, Raise the Voice, Z. 334: II. Raise, Raise the Voice, All Instruments Obey
Purcell: Raise, Raise the Voice, Z. 334: III. The God Himself Says He'll Be Present Here
Purcell: Raise, Raise the Voice, Z. 334: IV. Mark How Readily Each Pliant String
Purcell: From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z. 326: III. Behold th' Indulgent Prince Is Come
Purcell: From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z. 326: V. Welcome as Soft Refreshing Show'rs
Purcell: From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys, Z. 326: VIII. With Trumpets and Shouts We Receive the World's Wonder