ジョージ・マイケル/マイケル・チャンス/ロバート・キング/Tessa Bonner/The King's Consort/Gillian Fisher/ジェイムズ・ボウマン/ジョン・マーク・エインズリー/マーク・パドモア/Robert Evans
Purcell: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?, Z. 343: IX. O How Blest Is the Isle to Which Caesar Is Given
Purcell: Welcome, Vicegerent of the Mighty King, Z. 340: I. Symphony ‐ Welcome, Vicegerent of the Mighty King
Purcell: Welcome, Vicegerent of the Mighty King, Z. 340: III. But Your Blest Presence Now
Purcell: Welcome, Vicegerent of the Mighty King, Z. 340: IV. Your Influous Approach Our Pensive Hope Recalls
Purcell: Welcome, Vicegerent of the Mighty King, Z. 340: VI. All Loyalty and Honour Be
Purcell: Welcome, Vicegerent of the Mighty King, Z. 340: VII. Music the Food of Love
Purcell: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?, Z. 343: I. Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?
Purcell: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?, Z. 343: II. When Should Each Soul Exalted Be?
Purcell: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?, Z. 343: IV. Look Up, and to Our Isle Returning See
Purcell: Why, Why Are All the Muses Mute?, Z. 343: IX. O How Blest Is the Isle to Which Caesar Is Given