ロバート・キング/ジョージ・マイケル/チャールズ・ダニエルズ/ロジャーズ・カヴィ=クランプ/The King's Consort/Choir of The King's Consort
Purcell: O Consider My Adversity, Z. 32
Purcell: Blessed Is the Man That Feareth the Lord, Z. 9
Purcell: Be Merciful unto Me, Z. 4
Purcell: The Lord Is My Light, Z. 55
Purcell: Blessed Be the Lord My Strength, Z. 6
Purcell: Hear My Prayer, O God, Z. 14
Purcell: O Lord, Thou Art My God, Z. 41
Purcell: Awake, Awake, Put On Thy Strength, Z. 1