今村 貴文/祖堅 正慶
Desert Ministrations
Sand and Stone - The Republic of Dhalmekia
The Thousand Tables
Anon Becomes a Mountain - Castle Dazbog
Titanomachy - Drake's Fang
O'er Shifting Sands Lie - The Republic of Dhalmekia
The Desert Dims - The Republic of Dhalmekia
Under Siege - The Free Cities of Kanver
Army of One - The Einherjar
Heavensbound - Reverie
Bastion - Stonhyrr
Desert Ministrations
Sand and Stone - The Republic of Dhalmekia
The Thousand Tables
Anon Becomes a Mountain - Castle Dazbog
Titanomachy - Drake's Fang
O'er Shifting Sands Lie - The Republic of Dhalmekia
The Desert Dims - The Republic of Dhalmekia
Under Siege - The Free Cities of Kanver
Army of One - The Einherjar