サー・チャールズ・マッケラス/ウェルシュ・ナショナル・オペラ・オーケストラ/Richard Stuart
Sullivan: The Mikado, Act II: Song. On a Tree by a River, a Little Tom-Tit Sang, 'Willow, Tit-Willow'
Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard, Act II: Song. Oh, a Private Buffoon Is a Light-Hearted Loon
Sullivan: Trial by Jury: Song. When I, Good Friends, Was Called to the Bar
Sullivan: The Mikado, Act II: Song. On a Tree by a River, a Little Tom-Tit Sang, 'Willow, Tit-Willow'
Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard, Act II: Song. Oh, a Private Buffoon Is a Light-Hearted Loon
Sullivan: Trial by Jury: Song. When I, Good Friends, Was Called to the Bar
Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard, Act II: Song. Oh, a Private Buffoon Is a Light-Hearted Loon
Sullivan: Trial by Jury: Song. When I, Good Friends, Was Called to the Bar
Sullivan: The Mikado, Act II: Song. On a Tree by a River, a Little Tom-Tit Sang, 'Willow, Tit-Willow'