カール・ミヒャルスキ/Orchestra of the Viennese Volksoper
Vienna Sweets Waltz, Op. 307
Treasure WaltzOp. 418
Thunder and Lightening, Op. 324
Wein, Weib und Gesang (Wine Women and Song), Op. 333
Fruhlingsstimmen Waltz (Voices of Spring), Op. 410
Rosen aus dem Su¨den (Roses from the South), Op. 388
Dorfschwalben aus Osterreich (Village Swallows from Austria), Op. 164
Unter Donner und Blitz (Thunder and Lightening) Polka Op 324
Luxury Train Polka Op 281
Moulinet (Little Mill Pond) Polka Op 57
Indigo March Op 349
The Gipsy Baron - Entry March Op 327
Egypt March Op 335
The Dutchess of Chicago: Overture
Accelerations Waltz, Op. 234
Annen-Polka, Op. 117
Artists Life, Op. 316
Be Embraced Millions, Op. 443
Egypt March, Op. 335
Eljen a Magyar, Op. 332