デイム・ジャネット・ベイカー/The St. Anthony Singers/イギリス室内管弦楽団/アンソニー・ルイス
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas / Act 3: Purcell: But death...When I am laid...With drooping wings... [Dido and Aeneas, Z.626 / Act 3]
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas, Z.626 / Act 3: "Thy Hand, Belinda ... When I Am Laid In Earth"
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas / Act 3: Purcell: But death...When I am laid...With drooping wings... [Dido and Aeneas, Z.626 / Act 3]
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas / Act 3: Purcell: But death...When I am laid...With drooping wings... [Dido and Aeneas, Z.626 / Act 3]