- ジャンル
Decca Music Group Ltd.
- 1Bassano: Almande I (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 2Johnson: Almande: The Princes Masque (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 3Bassano: Almande II (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 4Johnson: Almande: The Princes Masque II (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 5Lübeck: Trumpet Ensemble Sonata No. 53 (Ed. Downey) - Fanfare 136円
- 6Bassano: Pavana (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 7Anonymous: Dulcina I (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 8Anonymous: Alman (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 9Nelham: Buzz, Quoth the Blue Fly (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 10Johnson: Now My Cunning Lady, Moon (Ed. Holman) 261円
- 11Johnson: The Satyrs Dance (Ed. Holman) 261円
- 12Holman: Melt Earth to Sea 136円
- 13Holman: Melt Earth to Sea (Song) 136円
- 14Anonymous: Dulcina II (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 15Johnson: Seek You, Majesty, to Strike? (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 16Johnson: The Fairies Dance (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 17Ferrabosco II: The Solemn Rites Are Well Begun (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 18Johnson: The First of the Princes (Ed. Holman) 209円
- 19Ferrabosco II: Nay, Nay, You Must Not Stay (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 20Johnson: The Second of the Princes (Ed. Holman) 261円
- 21Johnson: Nor Yet O You in This Night Blest (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 22Holborne: Pavan 136円
- 23Holborne: Coranto: The Fairie-round 136円
- 24Holborne: Coranto: As it Fell on Holie Eve 136円
- 25Holborne: Gaillard I 136円
- 26Holborne: Gaillard II 136円
- 27Holborne: Almaine: The Honie-suckle 136円
- 28Holborne: Almaine: The Night Watch 136円
- 29Ferrabosco II: Gentle Knights (Ed. Holman) 261円
- 30Johnson: The Third of the Princes (Ed. Holman) 136円
- 31Ferrabosco II: O Yet How Early, and Before Her Time (Ed. Holman) 261円
- 32Thomsen: Trumpet Ensemble Sonata No. 34 "Meister Thomas Fideler" (Ed. Downey) 136円
- 33Ferrabosco II: Almande (Ed. Holman) 136円