- ジャンル
Decca Music Group Ltd.
- 1Allegri: 我を憐れみたまえ 419円
- 2Palestrina: スターバト・マーテル(悲しみの聖母)(8声部) 419円
- 3Tallis: Spem in alium 261円
- 4Tallis: Sancte Deus 209円
- 5Byrd: Ave verum corpus 209円
- 6Vivaldi: Gloria, RV 589: I. Gloria in excelsis Deo 209円
- 7Vivaldi: Gloria, RV 589: II. Et in terra pax 209円
- 8Vivaldi: Gloria, RV 589: III. Laudamus te 209円
- 9Vivaldi: Gloria, RV 589: IV. Gratias agimus tibi 104円
- 10Vivaldi: Gloria, RV 589: V. Propter magnam gloriam tuam 104円
- 11Vivaldi: Gloria, RV 589: VI. Domine Deus, Rex caelestis 209円
- 12Vivaldi: Gloria, RV 589: VII. Domine Fili unigenite 209円
- 13Vivaldi: Gloria, RV 589: VIII. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei 209円
- 14Vivaldi: Gloria, RV 589: IX. Qui tollis peccata mundi 104円
- 15Vivaldi: Gloria, RV 589: X. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris 209円
- 16Vivaldi: Gloria, RV 589: XI. Quoniam tu solus sanctus 104円
- 17Vivaldi: Gloria, RV 589: XII. Cum Sancto Spiritu 209円
- 18Gibbons: Verse Anthem: This is the Record of John 209円
- 19J.S. Bach: Jesu meine Freude Motet, BWV 227: Jesu, Priceless Treasure 104円
- 20J.S. Bach: Jesu meine Freude Motet, BWV 227: Chorus: So There Is Now No Condemnation 209円
- 21J.S. Bach: Jesu meine Freude Motet, BWV 227 - Sung in English. Translation adapted from N. Bartholomew: Chorale: In Thine Arm I Rest Me 104円
- 22J.S. Bach: Jesu meine Freude Motet, BWV 227 - Sung in English. Translation adapted from N. Bartholomew: Trio: Thus Then, the Law of the Spirit of Life 104円
- 23J.S. Bach: Jesu meine Freude Motet, BWV 227 - Sung in English. Translation adapted from N. Bartholomew: Chorus: Death, I Do Not Fear Thee 209円
- 24J.S. Bach: Jesu meine Freude Motet, BWV 227 - Sung in English. Translation adapted from N. Bartholomew: Chorus: Ye Are Not of the Flesh, But of the Spirit 209円
- 25J.S. Bach: Jesu meine Freude Motet, BWV 227 - Sung in English. Translation adapted from N. Bartholomew: Chorale: Hence With Earthly Treasure 104円
- 26J.S. Bach: Jesu meine Freude Motet, BWV 227 - Sung in English. Translation adapted from N. Bartholomew: If Therefore Christ Abide in You 209円
- 27J.S. Bach: Jesu meine Freude Motet, BWV 227 - Sung in English. Translation adapted from N. Bartholomew: Chorale: Fare Thee Well That Errest 209円
- 28J.S. Bach: Jesu meine Freude Motet, BWV 227 - Sung in English. Translation adapted from N. Bartholomew: Chorus: If By His Spirit God 209円
- 29J.S. Bach: Jesu meine Freude Motet, BWV 227 - Sung in English. Translation adapted from N. Bartholomew: Chorale: Hence All Fears and Sadness 104円
- 30Handel: ジョージ2世の戴冠式のためのアンセム HWV258: 祭司ザドク 209円
- 31Handel: My Heart is Inditing (Coronation Anthem No. 4, HWV 261): My Heart Is Inditing 209円
- 32Handel: My Heart is Inditing (Coronation Anthem No. 4, HWV 261): King's Daughters Were Among Thy Honorable Women 209円
- 33Handel: My Heart is Inditing (Coronation Anthem No. 4, HWV 261): Upon Thy Right Hand 209円
- 34Handel: My Heart is Inditing (Coronation Anthem No. 4, HWV 261): Kings Shall Be Thy Nursing Fathers 209円
- 35Handel: Let Thy Hand be Strengthened (Coronation Anthem No. 2, HWV 259): Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened 209円
- 36Handel: Let Thy Hand be Strengthened (Coronation Anthem No. 2, HWV 259): Let Justice and Judgement 209円
- 37Handel: Let Thy Hand be Strengthened (Coronation Anthem No. 2, HWV 259): Alleluja! 209円
- 38Handel: The King shall rejoice (Coronation Anthem No. 3, HWV 260): 1. Introduction - The King Shall Rejoice 209円
- 39Handel: The King shall rejoice (Coronation Anthem No. 3, HWV 260): 2. Exceeding Glad Shall He Be 209円
- 40Handel: The King shall rejoice (Coronation Anthem No. 3, HWV 260): 3. Glory and Worship Hast Thou Laid 209円
- 41Handel: The King shall rejoice (Coronation Anthem No. 3, HWV 260): 4. Alleluja 209円