- 1Xmas Is Really Fantastic 261円
- 2Oh Come All Ye Faithful 261円
- 3I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day 261円
- 4Mull of Timperley 261円
- 5Xmas Medley 261円
- 6Football is Really Fantastic 261円
- 7I Should Be So Lucky 261円
- 8Love Poem for Kylie 261円
- 9Radio Ga Ga 261円
- 10Save Me 261円
- 11We Will Rock You 261円
- 12Frank Gordon 261円
- 13The Bit I Missed off the Queen Song on My Z39 EP 261円
- 14Queen Hip Hop Disco Mix 261円
- 15Everybody Sings Queen 261円
- 16I Am the Champion 261円
- 17Timperley Sunset 261円
- 18Born in Timperley 261円
- 19Wild Thing in Timperley 261円
- 20Timperley 969 1909 261円
- 21Next Train to Timperley 261円
- 22Oh Timperley 261円
- 23Guess Who's Been on Match of the Day 261円
- 24Bros Medley 261円
- 25Twist 'N' Shout 261円
- 26Planet Earth (feat. Kevin Bignell) 261円
- 27Tummy (L.F.'s Rock Opera) 261円
- 28Timperley Blues 261円
- 29What For - From Me Mum 261円
- 30Firm Favourite Ads #1 261円
- 31Surfin' Timperley 261円
- 32Can't Help Falling in Love 261円
- 33On the Train 261円
- 34Blackpool Fool 261円
- 35Tickets Please 261円
- 36To the Beach 261円
- 37Hit the North 261円
- 38Hit the Arcades 261円
- 39Hit Dick Turpin 261円
- 40Frank Checks into Auntie Edie's 261円
- 41Mrs. Taylor 261円
- 42Room with a View? 261円
- 43Phone Conversation 261円
- 44Off to the Funfair 261円
- 45Mirrorman / Gimme That Harp Boy 261円
- 46Gimme Dat Harp, Little Frank 261円
- 47Frank Hires a Boat 261円
- 48Frank's Luxury Bachelor Penthouse Pad 261円
- 49Debbie Greenwood 261円
- 50Mrs. Merton (Version 2) 261円
- 51Late Night Problems 261円
- 52Me Great Big Floor Scrapbook 261円
- 53Golden Mile 261円
- 54Breakfast at Edie's 261円
- 55Car and Punchline Trouble 261円
- 56Go Away 261円
- 57M.A.T.B.W.M.T.D.B. (Acts 1 & 2) 261円
- 58Back at Edie's 261円
- 59Gipsy Rose Sidebottom 261円
- 60Very Very Big Special Case 261円
- 611812 Overture 261円
- 62The Robbins Aren't Bobbins 261円
- 63Little Frank Arrives 261円
- 64Zoo Scrapbook 261円
- 65Best of Answering Machine (Part One) 261円
- 66Radio Timperley Intro 261円
- 67The Tomb of Maurice Karmen 261円
- 68Radio Timperley Outro 261円
- 69New Material 261円
- 70Mr Custard You're A Fool 261円
- 71What's Happens Now 261円
- 72Mr. Custard You're a Fool (Continued) 261円
- 73What's Happens Now (Continued) 261円
- 74Frank's World Intro 261円
- 75The Squid Is Correct 261円
- 76Frank's World Outro 261円
- 77Little Frank Leaves 261円
- 78It Was Nearly 20 Years Ago Today 261円
- 79Hey You Street Artist 261円
- 80Mrs. Merton's Baby 261円
- 81Radio Timperley Stab 261円
- 82Pirates 261円
- 83Radio Timperley Outro (Version 2) 261円
- 84Fantastic Sea Shanty 261円
- 85Star Interview 261円
- 86Patrick Moore 261円
- 87Little Frank Interrupts 261円
- 88Fantastic Flashback Starts 261円
- 89Cape Timperley to Lunar Dustbin 261円
- 90First Puppet on the Moon 261円
- 91Ultimatum to Return 261円
- 92Of Puppets and Space and Money 261円
- 932nd Ultimatum to Return 261円
- 94Airplay 261円
- 95Big Frank Blasts Off 261円
- 96TVR 17 Station Output 261円
- 97Little Frank Shows Off 261円
- 98S.O.S 261円
- 99Big Frank Returns 261円
- 100Fantastic Flashback Ends 261円
- 101Little Frank Returns 261円
- 102Monopoly (The Game) 261円
- 103The Monopoly Song 261円
- 104Money Problems 261円
- 105Frank's World Intro (Version 2) 261円
- 106Roulette 261円
- 107Frank's World Outro (Version 2) 261円
- 108Football & Weather 261円
- 109Star Interview (Version 2) 261円
- 110Ian McCaskill 261円
- 111Mr. E. Lake 261円
- 112Timperley Travelogue 261円
- 113I Said, 'Hey You, Riot Policeman' 261円
- 114Down at the Moss Lane Football Ground 261円
- 1156 All Time Great Footballing Chants 261円
- 116Sue of the Sioux 261円
- 117Roger and Sarah 261円
- 118I've Got Something to Shout About 261円
- 119Mrs. Merton 261円
- 120Star Interview (Version 3) 261円
- 121Nicholas Parsons 261円
- 122Puppets Arrive 261円
- 123Fantastic Barber's Shop Song 261円
- 124Not So Fantastic Argument 261円
- 125Into the Kitchen 261円
- 126Electricity 261円
- 127Anarchy in Timperley 261円
- 128Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite 261円
- 129Indie Medley (Love Will Tear Us Apart/How I Wrote Elastic Man/Take The Skinheads Bowling/Bigmouth Strikes Again) 261円
- 130Panic 261円
- 131God Save the Queen 261円