- ジャンル
- 1Guitar Ballads and a Board 152円
- 2Surfs Up 152円
- 3Strumming on a Wave 152円
- 4Pick Of the Seas 152円
- 5Strings an Surf 152円
- 6Wax the Frets 152円
- 7Chord Surfing 152円
- 8Clean-Up-Wave 152円
- 9Guitar Crest Concert 152円
- 10Strum to the Impact Zone 152円
- 11Lullaby at the Lip 152円
- 12Perfect Point Break 152円
- 13A Rhythm for Re-Entry 152円
- 14Shredding on Guitar and Waves 152円
- 15Songs in the Swell 152円
- 16Guitar on the Waves 152円
- 17Foaming Strings 152円
- 18Rip Tide Rhythm Guitar 152円
- 19A Wave in a Million 152円
- 20It is Swell 152円