- ジャンル
- 1カントリー・ブルース(ナンバー・ワン) [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 2Interview #1 [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 3I Be's Troubled [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 4Interview #2 [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 5Burr Clover Farm Blues [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 6Interview #3 [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 7Ramblin' Kid Blues [Plantation Recording (Partial Take)] 261円
- 8Ramblin' Kid Blues [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 9Rosalie [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 10Joe Turner [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 11Pearlie May Blues [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 12Take A Walk With Me [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 13Burr Clover Blues [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 14Interview #4 [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 15I Be Bound To Write To You [Plantation Recording (First Version)] 261円
- 16I Be Bound To Write To You [Plantation Recording (Second Version)] 261円
- 17You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone (No. 1) [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 18You Got To Take Sick And Die Some Of These Days [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 19Why Don't You Live So God Can Use You [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 20Country Blues (No. 2) [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 21You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone (No. 2) [Plantation Recording] 261円
- 2232-20 Blues [Plantation Recording] 261円