- ジャンル
- 1Opening (Cosmic Wars) 209円
- 2Mazed Music (Nemesis) 209円
- 3Big Mode (Genpei Touma Den) 209円
- 4Hidden Level (Solomon’s KEY) 209円
- 5A Planet Of Plants (Nemesis 2) 209円
- 6Telepathy (Chatty) 209円
- 7Equipment (Nemesis 3 The Eve Of Destruction) 209円
- 8BGM 3 (Motocross Maniacs) 209円
- 9Visual Scene 1&2 (Wer Dragon) 209円
- 10Opening (Hisou Kihei X-Serd) 209円
- 11An-Un ’Ominous Clouds’ (Xak II) 209円
- 12Temple (Actraiser) 209円
- 13Road To Agartha (Mouryou Senki MADARA) 209円
- 14King Erekiman (The Legend Of Valkyrie) 209円
- 15Exercise (Mega Panel) 209円
- 16Game Over (Hisou Kihei X-Serd) 209円
- 17Beyond The Terminus (Block Hole) 209円
- 18Waltz of Water and Bubbles (Liquid Kids) アルバム購入専用楽曲です
- 19Main Stage BGM 1 (Time Cruise II) 209円
- 20Area 26-10 (Metal Black) アルバム購入専用楽曲です
- 21Site 3-1 Torrid City (Metal Stoker) 209円
- 22Metal Area (Illusion City) 209円
- 23Site 6-2 (Metal Stoker) 209円
- 24Tactics 4 (Super Royal Blood) 209円
- 25My Phase ’State 12/14 (Vixen 357) 209円
- 26Kyoushin ’Lunatic Forest’ (Dragon Gun) 209円
- 27Underwater Dungeon (Esper Dream 2) 209円
- 28Shooting Stars (Thunder Force IV) 209円
- 29Mister Diviner (The Majhong Touhhaiden) 209円
- 30Main Theme (Alchahest) 209円
- 31Keel (Golden Axe II - The Duel) 209円
- 32Bad Data (Dezaemon) 209円
- 33What Is Your Birthday? (Tarot Mystery) 209円
- 34Oblivious Past (Alien Soldier) 209円