- 1Runaway Boys 261円
- 2Fishnet Stockings 261円
- 3Ubangi Stomp 261円
- 4Jeannie, Jeannie, Jeannie 261円
- 5Storm the Embassy 261円
- 6Rock This Town 261円
- 7Rumble in Brighton 261円
- 8Stray Cat Strut 261円
- 9Crawl up and Die 261円
- 10Double Talkin' Baby 261円
- 11My One Desire 261円
- 12Wild Saxophone 261円
- 13Baby Blue Eyes 261円
- 14Little Miss Prissy 261円
- 15Wasn't That Good 261円
- 16Cryin' Shame 261円
- 17(She'll Stay Just) One More Day 261円
- 18You Don't Believe Me 261円
- 19Gonna Ball 261円
- 20Wicked Whisky 261円
- 21Rev It up and Go 261円
- 22Lonely Summer Nights 261円
- 23Crazy Mixed up Kid 261円
- 24Rebels Rule 261円
- 25Too Hip Gotta Go 261円
- 26Look at That Cadillac 261円
- 27Something's Wrong with My Radio 261円
- 2818 Miles to Memphis 261円
- 29(She's) Sexy and 17 261円
- 30Dig Dirty Doggy 261円
- 31I Won't Stand in Your Way 261円
- 32Hotrod Gang 261円
- 33How Long You Wanna Live, Anyway? 261円