- ジャンル
- 1Assassins on the Building 261円
- 2Presentiment 261円
- 3The Red-Eyed Monster 261円
- 4“REASON” [Title Back] 261円
- 5The Emperor's Time 261円
- 6The Puppeteer 261円
- 7To Give a Marionette Life 261円
- 8野の春 261円
- 9Escaping from the Wood 261円
- 10In front of the Old Mansion 261円
- 11Unasked Advice 261円
- 12The Copied Spiders 261円
- 13Master of Iai 261円
- 14猛者どもの睥睨 261円
- 15Intermezzo 261円
- 16Sitting at a Table 261円
- 17“流星☆キラリ” [Version for orchestra] 261円
- 18In a Boutique 261円
- 19Something Would Happen 261円
- 20Don’t Make Me Mad! 261円
- 21Way to the Town 261円
- 22迷妄 261円
- 23You’ve Gotta Move on 261円
- 24“流星☆キラリ” [Version for piano and strings] 261円
- 25Confrontation 261円
- 26走れ! 261円
- 27“流星☆キラリ” [Instrumental] 261円
- 28“REASON” [Instrumental] 261円