- ジャンル
avex trax
- 1RUNNING IN THE 90'S (Extended) 261円
- 2GOLDEN AGE (Extended) 261円
- 3STAY (Extended) 261円
- 4DANCE AROUND THE WORLD (Extended) 261円
- 5DON'T STAND SO CLOSE (Extended) 261円
- 6BURNING UP FOR YOU (Extended) 261円
- 7CRAZY FOR YOUR LOVE (Extended) 261円
- 8MOVING UP MOVING NOW (Extended) 261円
- 9MAD DESIRE (Extended) 261円
- 10FOREVER YOUNG (Extended) 261円
- 11I NEED A REVOLUTION (Extended) 261円
- 12SUPER DRIVER (Extended) 261円
- 13A PERFECT HERO (Extended) 261円
- 14THE TOP (Extended) 261円
- 15SPEED MAN (Extended) 261円
- 16BLACK U.F.O. (Extended) 261円
- 17SPEED MAN (Mako's GT Remix) 261円
- 18A PERFECT HERO (SSC Remix) 261円