LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-
ハイレゾファイル形式:FLAC | 24bit/48kHz ハイレゾのデータ形式とビットレート数について
ハイレゾファイル形式:FLAC | 24bit/48kHz ハイレゾのデータ形式とビットレート数について
- ジャンル
avex trax
- 1Introduction (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 2Fly high (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 3Trauma (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 4And Then (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 5immature (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 6Boys & Girls (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 7TO BE (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 8End roll (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 9P.S II (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 10WHATEVER (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 11too late (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 12appears (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 13monochrome (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 14Interlude (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 15LOVE ~refrain~ (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 16Who... (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 17ayu's EURO MEGA-MIX "Y&Co. Mix" (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 18ayu's HOUSE MEGA-MIX "N.S House Mix" (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 19A Song for ×× "MILLENNIUM MIX" from 1st Album (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 20POWDER SNOW "Acoustic Orchestra Version" from あゆ・み・っくす (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 21FRIENDⅡ "MAKE MY MAD MIX" from ayu-mi-x (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 22appears "99 Greeting Mix" (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 23appears "Scud Filter Mix" (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 24appears "Dub's Eurotech Remix" (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 25WHATEVER "Ferry 'System F' Corsten dub mix" (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 26appears "JP's SoundFactory Mix" (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 27appears "HΛL's Mix" (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 28immature "D-Z DUAL LUCIFER MIX" (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 29WHATEVER "Ferry 'System F' Corsten vocal extended mix" (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 30appears "Keith Litman's Mix of Truth" (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 31immature "JT Original CM Version" (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 32appears "99 Greeting Mix -Instrumental-" (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
- 33immature "JT Original CM Version -Instrumental-" (LOVEppears / appears -20th Anniversary Edition-) 550円
1978年10月2日生まれ、福岡県福岡市出身のシンガー・ソングライター。愛称は“あゆ”。98年にシングル「Poker face」で歌手デビューすると、共感を呼ぶ歌詞とともにファッションアイコンとしても注目され、若者のカリスマ的存在に。以降、日本レコード大賞3年連続受賞といった受賞歴、シングル・アルバム総売上ソロアーティスト歴代1位など、日本の音楽シーンを代表するアーティストとして絶大な支持を得る。また、台湾、香港をはじめ海外ツアーも展開し、東アジアでの人気も高い。2018年にはデビュー20周年記念の全国ツアーを開催。影響力の強い存在として名を馳せている。