- 1Daggerin 255円
- 2Just As I Am 255円
- 3No Time to Linger 255円
- 4Love You Anyway Barbee 255円
- 5No Games 255円
- 6Hundred Stab 255円
- 7Things A Come Up 255円
- 8Miss You 255円
- 9Barack Obama 255円
- 10Tell It Like It Is 255円
- 11Better Man 255円
- 12Stronger 255円
- 13Green Grass 255円
- 14Yuh A Di Baddis 255円
- 15Nothing Change 255円
- 16Don't Give Up 255円
- 17Trailer Load O' Money 255円
- 18Sleeping In The Rain 255円
- 19Your Boyfriend 255円
- 20Mood For Love 255円
- 21I'm Free 255円
- 22Stinking Rich 255円
- 23Winner 255円
- 24Street Life 255円
- 25On You 255円