- 1Old pop 209円
- 2Happy jump 209円
- 3Beyond The Wind 209円
- 4Jingle 64 209円
- 5Let’s Enjoy 209円
- 6Just Enjoy 209円
- 7Spread Your Wings and Soar Up 209円
- 8Party Blues 209円
- 9Life Together 209円
- 10Your Decision 209円
- 11Challenge 209円
- 12Luckiest 209円
- 13Like dancing or flying 209円
- 14Fresh News 209円
- 15Straight Line 209円
- 16Uke run 209円
- 17カツオ漁 209円
- 18To the next stage 209円
- 19A Ripple Mr.Sunday 209円
- 20Over the mountain Road 209円