- 1Jenny Darling 261円
- 2Lazy London Lady 261円
- 3Superman 261円
- 4Woman of Our Day 261円
- 5Don't Try to Fool Me 261円
- 6What's Hidden There? 261円
- 7Yaketty Yak, Smacketty Smack 261円
- 8I Need a Woman 261円
- 9Days Pass Me By 261円
- 10Blue Jean Queen 261円
- 11Driving in the City 261円
- 12Rabbits 261円
- 13Joe the Mad Rocker 261円
- 14Mary Jane 261円
- 15Get on to a Sure Thing 261円
- 16Candy Girl 261円
- 17My Glasses 261円
- 18Take Me to the Sun 261円
- 19Poker 261円