- 1Marie 261円
- 2You Are the One 261円
- 3Come to Me Softly 261円
- 4One More Time 261円
- 5Seek and You'll Find 261円
- 6Don't Believe Her 261円
- 7I Am Not Worthy 261円
- 8Fatso 261円
- 9Two Roads 261円
- 10(I Love You) Shirley 261円
- 11I'm So Glad 261円
- 12Dog War Bossa Nova 261円
- 13Oh Merna 261円
- 14Cry a Little 261円
- 15Gloria (Love) 261円
- 16B.B.C. Channel Two 261円
- 17Oh Shirley 261円
- 18Luck Will Come My Way 261円
- 19Thinking of You 261円
- 20Slow Boat 261円
- 21Join Together 261円
- 22Goodbye 261円
- 23Cork Foot 261円
- 24I've Been Searching 261円
- 25Cherita 261円
- 26Diamonds and Pearls 261円
- 27Follow 261円
- 28My Request 261円