- 1Come on and Love Me 261円
- 2You Ain't So Such A Much 261円
- 3Voodoo Voodoo 261円
- 4That's Why I Cry 261円
- 5I Thought I Told You Not to Tell Them 261円
- 6Knock Knock 261円
- 7Nobody's Gonna Hurt You 261円
- 8You Move Me So 261円
- 9Put on My Shoes 261円
- 10Mish Mash 261円
- 11I've Got a Feelin' 261円
- 12Easy Easy Baby 261円
- 13If It's New to You 261円
- 14Please Mr Jailer 261円
- 15You Better Mind 261円
- 16Baby Please Don't Go 261円
- 17Nobody Loves You Like Me 261円
- 18Sure 'Nuff 261円
- 19Tiny Tim 261円
- 20And the Angels Sing 261円