- 1This Carry Go Bring Come (Chatty Chatty Mouth) [with Snagga Puss] 261円
- 2Too Young (12" Mix) 261円
- 3Thank You 261円
- 4Come On Baby 261円
- 5Retreat Wicked Man 261円
- 6Informer 261円
- 7Poor And Simple 261円
- 8Hey Girl 261円
- 9Grow Your Locks 261円
- 10Husband Goody-Goody 261円
- 11Soon Be Done 261円
- 12Use Me 261円
- 13The Love Of Jah 261円
- 14Dollars 261円
- 15Hard To Believe 261円
- 16All Fruits Ripe 261円