- 1Try It Out (Try Harder Mix) 261円
- 2Castle 261円
- 3Tokyo City Underground 261円
- 4MONSTER 261円
- 5crosswind 261円
- 6NOWHERE 261円
- 7Emergency 261円
- 8RINGO 261円
- 9Acceleration 261円
- 10SPACE 261円
- 11You Make Me 261円
- 12Depth 261円
- 13Appleseed α 261円
- 14pointless 261円
- 15He's a goner 261円
- 16She'd never go without you 261円
- 17Drone Hunt 261円
- 18My name is Olson 261円
- 19Talos 261円
- 20You have to make a choice 261円
- 21Trouble 261円
- 22Tank!! 261円
- 23You did good, Iris 261円
- 24It's time for us to change 261円
- 25Secret base 261円
- 26Fanatic 261円
- 27Open your eyes, and see your future 261円
- 28Engine ignition began 261円
- 29Thanks for droppin'in 261円
- 30You gave us purpose. 261円
- 31We finish this! 261円
- 32I was made for this mission 261円
- 33You gave me hope 261円
- 34Horizon 261円