- 1Ecce iam noctis Laudes hymn on Sundays in the summer 261円
- 2Gloria in excelsis Deo Movement of an Ambrosian Mass 261円
- 3Pacem relinquo vobis; Laudate Dominum omnes gentes Antiphon and Psalm 116 261円
- 4Coelestis aulae nuntius Hymn on the feast of St. John 261円
- 5Ut queant laxis Hymn of St. John (solmization) 261円
- 6Kyrie eleison Two-part Kyrie "Magnae Deus potentiae" 261円
- 7Da pacem, Domine, in diebus nostris Antiphon and verse from Psalm 122 261円
- 8Illuminare, illuminare Jerusalem From Responsory (mode 5) 261円
- 9Te Deum laudamus; Te Dominum confitemur From Te Deum (mode 4) 261円
- 10Dominus vobiscum Text from the Gospel 261円
- 11Te decet laus, Te decet hymnus Doxological hymn (mode 1) 261円
- 12Oremus Prayer text from Pope St. Gregory 261円
- 13Deus in adjutorium meum intende Introductory versicle and response, "Little Doxolgy" 261円
- 14Psalm 66: Deus miseraetur nostri 261円
- 15Psalm 150: Ante luciferum genitus psalms and antiphon (mode 2) for the early morning Office of Lauds 261円
- 16Chapter (verse): Surge illuminare Jerusalem; Reges Tharsis et insulae text and short responsory 261円
- 17Illuminans altissimus; Omnes de Saba venient Hymn; Versicle and response 261円
- 18Hodie Benedictus and Antiphon 261円
- 19Kyrie eleison; Pater noster 261円
- 20Dominus vobiscum Prayer;concluding versicles & responsesfor the early morning Office of Lauds 261円
- 21Veterem hominem Antiphons (mode 7) 261円
- 22Jesu Redemptor omnium Hymn for Christmas Eve 261円
- 23Confitemini Alleluia for Easter Saturday 261円
- 24Surrexit Dominus Invitatorium for Easter Sunday 261円
- 25Pascha nostrum Alleluia for Easter Sunday 261円
- 26Victimae paschali Sequentia for Easter Sunday 261円
- 27Viri Galiaei Introit for Ascension Day 261円
- 28Ascendit Deus Offertorium for Ascension Day 261円
- 29Veni Sancte Spiritus Alleluia for Pentecost 261円
- 30Factus est Communion for Pentecost 261円
- 31Life of the Virgin Mary in Plainsong (excerpts): Ave maris stella Hymn (IV tone) 261円
- 32Life of the Virgin Mary in Plainsong (excerpts): Sancta Maria, succurre miseris Antiphon to Magnificat (I tone) 261円
- 33Life of the Virgin Mary in Plainsong (excerpts): Salve Regina, Mater misercordiae Antiphon to Mary (I tone) 261円