- ジャンル
Warner Classics
- 1Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Prolog, Lectio Isaiae Prophetae (60, 1-6) 261円
- 2Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Magnificat-Antiphon, "Tribus miraculis" (Gregorian) 261円
- 3Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Transitorium, "Hodie caelesti sponso" (Ambrosian) 261円
- 4Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Hymnus, "Hostis Herodes impie" (Gregorian) 261円
- 5Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Antiphon, "Hodie nobis Beata illuxit" (Gregorian) 261円
- 6Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Responsorium prolixum, "Illuminare Ierusalem" (Gregorian) 261円
- 7Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Antiphon with Psalm 71, "Stella ista" (v.10-13, 18f) 261円
- 8Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Introitus, "Ecce advenit" (Gregorian) 261円
- 9Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Ingressa, "Civitas non eget sole" (Ambrosian) 261円
- 10Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Gloria im tonus festivus, "Gloria" (Ambrosian) 261円
- 11Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Graduale, "Omnes de Saba venient" (Gregorian) 261円
- 12Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Alleluia, "Vidimus stellam eius" (Gregorian) 261円
- 13Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Hallelujah, "Puer natus est nobis" (Ambrosian) 261円
- 14Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Symbolum, "Credimus in unum Deum" (Ambrosian) 261円
- 15Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Offertorium including Verses from Codex Einsiedeln 121, "Reges Tharsis" (Gregorian) 261円
- 16Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Communio with Psalm 71 (V.1-3, 7), "Vidimus stellam eius" 261円
- 17Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Responsorium breve, "Omnes de Saba venient" (Gregorian) 261円
- 18Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Magnificat-Antiphon, "Videntes stellam Magi" (Gregorian) 261円
- 19Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Psallenda, "Videntes stellam Magi" (Ambrosian) 261円
- 20Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Psallenda, "Apparuit in mundo" (Ambrosian) 261円
- 21Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Antiphon, "O qualem gloriam" (Gregorian) 261円
- 22Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Magnificat-Antiphon, "Admoniti Magi" (Gregorian) 261円
- 23Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Responsorium, "Tria sunt munera" (Gregorian) 261円
- 24Gregorian and Ambrosian Music for the Feast of the Three Magi: Transitorium, "Te laudamus Domine omnipotens" (Ambrosian) 261円