- 1Salad Bar 261円
- 2Tonight Is Your Night 261円
- 3Samson and Delilah 261円
- 4Exodus 261円
- 5Got No Brains 261円
- 6Rose of Italy 261円
- 7My Girl Lollipop 261円
- 8Falling out of Love 261円
- 9Seventh Heaven 261円
- 10Educating Marmalade 261円
- 11What's up Crazy Pup 261円
- 12Your 261円
- 13Psychedelic Eric 261円
- 14Flashpoint 261円
- 15Ben E. Wriggle (Remix) 261円
- 16My Girl Lollipop (7'' Version) 261円
- 17Samson & Delilah (7" Version) 261円
- 18Good Honest Man 261円
- 19Your (Instrumental) 261円
- 20That'll Do Nicely 261円
- 21Monster Love (Dub) 261円
- 22That'll Do Nicely (Express Version) 261円