- 1Iron Butterfly Theme 261円
- 2Possession 261円
- 3Unconscious Power 261円
- 4You Can't Win 261円
- 5So-Lo 261円
- 6In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida (Single Version) 261円
- 7Most Anything You Want 261円
- 8Flowers and Beads 261円
- 9My Mirage 261円
- 10Termination 261円
- 11In the Time of Our Lives 261円
- 12Soul Experience 261円
- 13Real Fright 261円
- 14In the Crowds 261円
- 15It Must Be Love 261円
- 16Belda-Beast 261円
- 17I Can't Help but Deceive You Little Girl 261円
- 18New Day 261円
- 19Stone Believer (Single Version) 261円
- 20Soldier in Our Town 261円
- 21Easy Rider (Let the Wind Pay the Way) 261円