- ジャンル
- 1Dowland: Can She Excuse My Wrongs? 261円
- 2Author of Light 261円
- 3Dowland: Flow, My Tears 261円
- 4Dowland: A Fancy 261円
- 5Come Tread the Paths 261円
- 6Ford: Since First I Saw Your Face 261円
- 7Dowland: Sorrow, Stay, Lend True Repentant Tears 261円
- 8Dowland: The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard 136円
- 9E. Johnson: Eliza Is the Fairest Queen 136円
- 10Danyel: Eyes, Look No More 261円
- 11Oft Have I Sigh'd 261円
- 12Dowland: Go Nightly Cares 261円
- 13Ferrabosco I: Pavin 261円
- 14Danyel: Thou Pretty Bird, How Do I See 136円
- 15In Terrors Trapp'd 261円
- 16Dowland: Now, Oh Now I Needs Must Part 261円
- 17Dowland: Preludium 136円
- 18Dowland: A Fantasie 261円
- 19Dowland: Say, Love, If Ever Thou Didst Find 261円
- 20Danyel: I Die Whenas I Do Not See 136円
- 21Dowland: The Frog Galliard 136円
- 22Dowland: Awake, Sweet Love, Thou Art Returned 261円
- 23Dowland: Tell Me, True Love 261円