- 1Can't Stand It 261円
- 2She's a Jar 261円
- 3A Shot in the Arm 261円
- 4We're Just Friends 261円
- 5I'm Always in Love 261円
- 6Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway (Again) 261円
- 7Pieholden Suite 261円
- 8How to Fight Loneliness 261円
- 9Via Chicago 261円
- 10ELT 261円
- 11My Darling 261円
- 12When You Wake up Feeling Old 261円
- 13Summer Teeth 261円
- 14In a Future Age 261円
- 1523 Seconds of Silence 261円
- 16Candyfloss 261円
- 17A Shot in the Arm (Remix) 261円