- ジャンル
- 1W.H. Monk: All Things Bright and Beautiful 261円
- 2Little Jesus, Sweetly Sleep (Rocking)[Arr. Willcocks] 261円
- 3Anonymous: Morning Has Broken (Bunessan) 136円
- 4Anonymous: When a Knight Won His Spurs (Stowey) 136円
- 5Horsley: There Is a Green Hill Far Away (Horsley) 261円
- 6Vaughan Williams, Anonymous: He Who Would Valiant Be (Monks Gate) 261円
- 7Challinor: Tell Me the Stories of Jesus (Stories of Jesus) 261円
- 8Finlay: Daisies Are Our Silver (Glenfinlas) 136円
- 9Knecht: God My Father, Loving Me (Vienna) 136円
- 10Stainer: There's a Friend for Little Children (In memoriam) 261円
- 11Converse: What a Friend We Have in Jesus 261円
- 12Anonymous: Lord of the Dance (Arr. Carter) 261円
- 13Hayne: Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep (Buckland) 261円
- 14Anonymous: Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild (Innocents) 261円
- 15Anonymous: Children of the Heavenly King (Lübeck) 136円
- 16The Birds 136円
- 17Teschner: All Glory, Laud and Honour (St Theodulph) 261円
- 18Kirkpatrick: Away in a Manger (Cradle Song)[Arr. Archer] 261円
- 19Anonymous: Jesus Good Above All Other (Quem pastores laudavere) 261円
- 20Sullivan: Onward, Christian Soldiers (St Gertrude) 261円
- 21Jackson: All Things Which Live Below the Sky (Jackson) 261円
- 22Now the Day Is Over (Eudoxia) 261円
- 23M. Shaw: Jesus, Friend of Little Children (Westridge) 136円
- 24Anonymous: Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me (Shipston) 136円
- 25Parry: Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (Repton) 261円