- ジャンル
- 1Fawcett: Strike! Seraphs, Strike Your Harps of Gold "A New Christmas Piece" 261円
- 2Stephenson: Arise and Hail the Sacred Day "A Carol" 261円
- 3W. Marsh: The Branch, the Mighty Branch Behold "Nativity" 261円
- 4J. Hill: The People That Walked in Darkness "An Anthem" 261円
- 5S. Wesley, Madan: Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending (Arr. Miller, Interludes by S. Wesley) 261円
- 6Cooke: Ode for Christmas: Angelic Hymns Thy Natal Day 261円
- 7T. Adams: Variations on Adeste fideles 261円
- 8Key: Come Celebrate th' Auspicious Morn "A Carol" 261円
- 9Taylor: Hosanna to King David's Son "Hosannah" 136円
- 10Tremain: In Bethlem Fields as Shepherds Kept "Hymn for Christmas Day" 261円
- 11Anonymous: Light of Those Whose Dreary Dwelling "Christmas Hymn" 261円
- 12W. Matthews: How Beauteous Are Their Feet "Zion" 261円
- 13Anonymous: Joy to the World 261円
- 14Anonymous: Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices? 136円
- 15S. Goodwin, J. Wainwright: Yorkshire "Stockport" (Interludes by Goodwin) 261円
- 16Storace: Angels from the Realms of Glory (Arr. Williams) 261円
- 17Wade: Adeste fideles (Arr. Novello) 261円